Android Tipitaka is an app for reading the Theravada Buddhist Pali Tipitaka, commentaries and sub-commentaries in Pali. It is suitable for advanced students of the Pali language, as it does not include English translations. It does have several Pali-English dictionaries and can be extended to include the off-line archive with many English translations by various authors.
- Entire Pali Tipitaka, Commentaries and Sub-commentaries, as well as other texts
- Search and bookmark functions
- Pali-English dictionary resources, including the PED, CPED, CEPD, and DPPN.
- Instant dictionary lookup with declension matching by highlighting words in text (Android 3+)
- English website integration and ability to bookmark ATI pages
- Pali-English quiz to test vocabulary
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Android Tipitaka is based on the free and open source E-Tipitaka project by Sutee Sudprasert: is available as a forked project on github itself: files are taken from the VRI tipitaka here: first run, the app will download the required database file (20+ MB). That's the only time it uses the Internet; there are no ads, etc. If it doesn't download the database properly, download the file here: it in your sd card directory and unpack it with a file manager.
Keywords: pali tipitaka buddhism buddhist buddha dhamma dharma canon tripitakaAndroid的“大藏经”是一个应用程序的阅读上座部佛教巴利文“大藏经”,巴利文的评论和分评论。先进的学生巴利文是合适的,因为它不包括英语翻译。它有几个巴利语,英语词典,并可以扩展到包括AccessToInsight.org线归档,许多由不同作者的英文翻译。
- 整个巴利文“大藏经”的评论和小评论,以及其他文本
- 搜索和书签功能
- 巴利英语词典资源,包括的PED,CPED,经建会,和DPPN。
- 即时的字典查询与变格匹配通过突出显示文本的词语(Android的3 +)
- AccessToInsight.org英语网站的整合和能力,书签ATI页的
- 巴利语 - 英语测验,以测试词汇
Android的“大藏经”的基础上的自由和开放源码的的E-三藏项目的Sutee Sudprasert:是可分叉的项目在GitHub上本身:“大藏经”在这里是从“大藏经”文件:在第一次运行时,应用程序将下载文件(20 + MB)所需的数据库。这是唯一一次使用互联网,有没有广告,如果没有正确下载该数据库,请在这里下载的文件:把它放在你的SD卡目录,并把它解压缩文件管理器。